City, 26 March 2012 (VIS) - This morning, the Holy Father took his
leave of Mexico, arriving at the airport of Leon at 9 a.m. where the
departure ceremony took place.
Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa, president of Mexico, and other
civil and religious authorities who were there to greet him, the Pope
noted that his departure was not the end of his affection and
closeness to a country so dear to him.
the faith in Jesus Christ which I have felt resounding in your
hearts, and your affectionate devotion to His Mother, invoked here
with beautiful titles like Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of
Light, a light I have seen reflected in your faces, I wish to
reiterate clearly and with vigour a plea to the Mexican people to
remain faithful to yourselves, not to let yourselves be intimidated
by the power of evil, but to be valiant and to work to ensure that
the sap of your Christian roots may nourish your present and your
have also seen for myself expressions of concern for various aspects
of the life in this beloved country, some more recent and others long
standing, which continue to cause such great divisions in society. I
take them with me as well, as I share in the joys and the suffering
of my Mexican brothers and sisters, so as to place them in prayer at
the foot of the Cross, in the heart of Christ, out of which flowed
the blood and water of redemption.
these circumstances, I strongly urge Mexican Catholics, and all men
and women of good will, not to yield to a utilitarian mentality which
always finishes by sacrificing the weakest and most defenceless. I
invite you to a common effort so that society can be renewed from the
ground up, in order to attain a life of dignity, justice and peace
for everyone. For Catholics, this contribution to the common good is
also a requirement of that essential dimension of the Gospel which is
the human promotion and a supreme expression of charity. For this
reason, the Church exhorts all her faithful to be good citizens,
conscious of their responsibilities and concerned for the good of
others, of everyone, both in their personal lives and throughout the
various sectors of society.
Mexican friends, I say to you “Adios!” in the traditional sense
of this fine Hispanic expression: remain with God! Yes, “Adios!”;
for ever in the love of Christ, in which we meet each other and will
again meet with one another. May the Lord bless you and may Mary Most
Holy protect you!"
concluded his remarks the Holy Father boarded his flight for Cuba
where he is scheduled to arrive at 2 p.m. local time (9 p.m. in
City, 26 March 2012 (VIS) - "I come to Cuba as a pilgrim of
charity, to confirm my brothers and sisters in the faith and
strengthen them in the hope which is born of the presence of God’s
love in our lives. I carry in my heart the just aspirations and
legitimate desires of all Cubans, wherever they may be, their
sufferings and their joys, their concerns and their noblest desires,
those of the young and the elderly, of adolescents and children, of
the sick and workers, of prisoners and their families, and of the
poor and those in need".
were the words pronounced by Benedict XVI as he began his apostolic
trip to Cuba, where he arrived this afternoon from Mexico. The Pope
was greeted at the airport of Santiago de Cuba, the island's second
largest city, by Raul Castro, president of Cuba, Archbishop Dionisio
Guillermo Garcia Ibanez, president of the Cuban Episcopal Conference,
and Cardinal Jaime Ortega y Alamino, archbishop of Havana.
his welcome address the Holy Father spoke of the "indelible
mark" left on the island by the visit of Blessed John Paul II.
"For many, whether believers or not", he said, "his
example and his teachings are a luminous guide for their personal
lives and their public activity in the service of the common good of
the nation. His visit to this island was like a gentle breath of
fresh air which gave new strength to the Church in Cuba, awakening in
many a renewed awareness of the importance of faith and inspiring
them to open their hearts to Christ, while at the same time kindling
their hope and encouraging their desire to work fearlessly for a
better future. One of the important fruits of that visit was the
inauguration of a new phase in the relationship in Cuba between
Church and State, in a new spirit of cooperation and trust, even if
many areas remain in which greater progress can and ought to be made,
especially as regards the indispensable public contribution that
religion is called to make in the life of society".
Holy Father also referred to the four hundredth anniversary of
discovery of the image of "Nuestra Senora de la Caridad del
Cobre", saying that "since the beginning she has been very
much present in the personal lives of Cubans as well as in the great
events of the nation, especially since independence, for she is
honoured by all as the true mother of the Cuban people.
to the 'Virgen Mambisa'", he added, "has sustained the
faith and inspired the defence and promotion of all that gives
dignity to the human condition and fundamental rights, and it
continues to do so today with ever greater strength, giving visible
witness to the fruitfulness of the preaching of the Gospel in these
lands, and to the profound Christian roots which shape the deepest
identity of the Cuban soul. Following in the footsteps of countless
pilgrims down the centuries, I too wish to go to El Cobre to kneel at
the feet of the Mother of God, to thank her for her concern for all
her Cuban children, and to ask her to guide the future of this
beloved nation in the ways of justice, peace, freedom and
Pope then went on to refer to the difficult world economic situation,
noting that many people see it "as part of a profound spiritual
and moral crisis which has left humanity devoid of values and
defenceless before the ambition and selfishness of certain powers
which take little account of the true good of individuals and
families. We can no longer continue in the same cultural and moral
direction which has caused the painful situation that many suffer. On
the other hand, real progress calls for an ethics which focuses on
the human person and takes account of the most profound human needs,
especially man’s spiritual and religious dimension. In the hearts
and minds of many, the way is thus opening to an ever greater
certainty that the rebirth of society demands upright men and women
of firm moral convictions, with deep values who will not be
manipulated by dubious interests and who are respectful of the
unchanging and transcendent nature of the human person".
am convinced", he concluded, "that Cuba, at this moment of
particular importance in its history, is already looking to the
future, and thus is striving to renew and broaden its horizons. Of
great help in this enterprise will be the great patrimony of
spiritual and moral values which created the nation’s true
identity, and which are to be found concretely in the work and the
life of many distinguished fathers of the country, like Blessed Jose
Olallo y Valdes, the Servant of God Felix Varela, and the worthy Jose
Marti. For her part, the Church too has diligently contributed to the
cultivation of those values through her generous and selfless
pastoral mission, and renews her commitment to work tirelessly the
better to serve all Cubans".
City, 26 March 2012 (VIS) - Two hundred thousand people today
participated in a Mass presided by Benedict XVI at Plaza Antonio
Maceo in Santiago de Cuba, to mark the four hundredth anniversary of
discovery of the image of "Nuestra Senora de la Caridad del
Cobre", patron of the Island. Among those attending the ceremony
was Raul Castro, president of Cuba.
the celebration, which took place under driving rain, the original
image of "Nuestra Senora del Cobre" was displayed in the
square, before which, to mark the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the
Holy Father placed a golden rose.
his homily, the Pope expressed his appreciation for "the
sacrifices and the dedication" with which the Cubans have
prepared their Marian Jubilee Year. "I was deeply touched to
hear of the fervour with which Mary has been invoked by so many
Cubans during her journey to every corner of the island", he
important events in the Church in Cuba take on a special lustre
because of the feast celebrated today throughout the universal
Church: the Annunciation of the Lord to the Virgin Mary. The
Incarnation of the Son of God is the central mystery of the Christian
faith, and in it Mary occupies a central place".
Mary", the Holy Father explained, "the Son of God is made
man. ... The Apostle St. John expresses it in the following way: “And
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. The expression, “became
flesh” points to our human reality in a most concrete and tangible
way. In Christ, God has truly come into the world, He has entered
into our history, He has set His dwelling among us, thus fulfilling
the deepest desire of human beings such that the world may truly
become a home worthy of humanity. On the other hand, when God is put
aside, the world becomes an inhospitable place for man, and
frustrates creation’s true vocation to be a space for the covenant,
for the “Yes” to the love between God and humanity who responds
to Him. And so Mary became the first fruit of believers with her
unreserved “Yes” to the Lord.
this reason, contemplating the mystery of the Incarnation, we cannot
fail to turn our eyes to her, ... seeing how our God, coming into the
world, wished to depend upon the free consent of one of His
creatures. Only from the moment when the Virgin responded to the
angel ... did the eternal Word of the Father began His human
existence in time. It is touching to see how God not only respects
human freedom: He almost seems to require it. And we see also how the
beginning of the earthly life of the Son of God was marked by a
double “Yes” to the saving plan of the Father - that of Christ
and that of Mary. This obedience to God is what opens the doors of
the world to the truth, to salvation. God has created us as the fruit
of His infinite love, and so to live in accordance with His will is
the way to encounter our genuine identity, the truth of our being,
while apart from God we are alienated from ourselves and are hurled
into the void. The obedience of faith is true liberty, authentic
redemption, which allows us to unite ourselves to the love of Jesus
in His determination to conform Himself to the will of the Father.
Redemption is always this process of the lifting up of the human will
to full communion with the divine will".
Virgin Mary, by her unique role in the mystery of Christ, represents
the exemplar and model of the Church. The Church, like the Mother of
Christ, is also called to embrace in herself the mystery of God Who
comes to live in her. Dear brothers and sisters, I know with what
effort, daring and self-sacrifice you work every day so that, in the
concrete circumstances of your country, and at this moment in
history, the Church will better present her true face as a place in
which God draws near and encounters humanity. The Church, the living
body of Christ, has the mission of prolonging on earth the salvific
presence of God, of opening the world to something greater than
itself, to the love and the light of God. ... I encourage you in this
task of sowing the word of God in the world and offering to everyone
the true nourishment of the body of Christ. Easter is already
approaching; let us determine to follow Jesus without fear or doubts
on His journey to the Cross. May we accept with patience and faith
whatever opposition or affliction may come, with the conviction that,
in His Resurrection, He has crushed the power of evil which darkens
everything, and has brought the dawn of a new world, the world of
God, of light, of truth and happiness. The Lord will not hesitate to
bless with abundant fruits the generosity of your commitment.
mystery of the Incarnation, in which God draws near to us, also shows
us the incomparable dignity of every human life. In His loving plan,
from the beginning of creation, God has entrusted to the family
founded on matrimony the most lofty mission of being the fundamental
cell of society and an authentic domestic church. With this
certainty, you, dear husbands and wives, are called to be, especially
for your children, a real and visible sign of the love of Christ for
the Church. Cuba needs the witness of your fidelity, your unity, your
capacity to welcome human life, especially that of the weakest and
most needy".
Pope concluded his homily: "Before the gaze of Our Lady of
Charity of El Cobre, I appeal to you to reinvigorate your faith, that
you may live in Christ and for Christ, and armed with peace,
forgiveness and understanding, that you may strive to build a renewed
and open society, a better society, one more worthy of humanity, and
which better reflects the goodness of God".
City, 27 March 2012 (VIS) - "Rejoice in the Lord always", a
verse from St. Paul's Letter the Philippians, is the theme chosen by
the Holy Father for twenty-seventh World Youth Day, which is to be
celebrated in dioceses throughout the world on Palm Sunday. Extracts
from the English-language version of the message are given below.
year’s World Youth Day theme comes from St. Paul’s exhortation in
his Letter to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always”. Joy
is at the heart of Christian experience. At each World Youth Day we
experience immense joy, the joy of communion, the joy of being
Christian, the joy of faith. This is one of the marks of these
gatherings. We can see the great attraction that joy exercises. In a
world of sorrow and anxiety, joy is an important witness to the
beauty and reliability of the Christian faith. The Church’s
vocation is to bring joy to the world. ... In these difficult times,
so many young people all around you need to hear that the Christian
message is a message of joy and hope!"
Our hearts are made for joy
yearning for joy lurks within the heart of every man and woman. ...
This is particularly true for you, because youth is ... a time of
openness to the future and of great longing for happiness,
friendship, sharing and truth, a time when we are moved by high
ideals and make great plans. ... Yet each day we also face any number
of difficulties. Deep down we also worry about the future; we begin
to wonder if the full and lasting joy for which we long might be an
illusion and an escape from reality. ... How can we distinguish
things that give real and lasting joy from immediate and illusory
pleasures? How can we find true joy in life, a joy that endures and
does not forsake us at moments of difficulty?"
God is the source of true joy
brings us true joy, whether the small joys of each day or the
greatest joys in life, has its source in God, even if this does not
seem immediately obvious. This is because God is a communion of
eternal love, He is infinite joy that does not remain closed in on
itself, but expands to embrace all whom God loves and who love Him.
... God wants us to share in His own divine and eternal joy, and He
helps us to see that the deepest meaning and value of our lives lie
in being accepted, welcomed and loved by Him. Whereas we sometimes
find it hard to accept others, God offers us an unconditional
acceptance which enables us to say: “I am loved; I have a place in
the world and in history; I am personally loved by God".
infinite love for each of us is fully seen in Jesus Christ. The joy
we are searching for is to be found in Him. ... The cause of all this
joy is the closeness of God Who became one of us. ... Christ is the
One Who lives and Who overcame evil, sin and death. He is present
among us as the Risen One and He will remain with us until the end of
the world. Evil does not have the last word in our lives; rather,
faith in Christ the Saviour tells us that God’s love is
Preserving Christian joy in our hearts
discovery and preservation of spiritual joy is the fruit of an
encounter with the Lord. Jesus asks us to follow Him and to stake our
whole life on Him. ... Joy is the fruit of faith. ... Learn to see
how God is working in your lives. ... Turn your eyes to Him often. He
gave His life for you on the cross because He loves you.
Contemplation of this great love brings a hope and joy to our hearts
that nothing can destroy".
seek the Lord and find Him in our lives also means accepting His
word. ... God’s word reveals the wonders that He has accomplished
throughout human history. ... The liturgy is a special place where
the Church expresses the joy which she receives from the Lord and
transmits it to the world. Each Sunday at Mass the Christian
community celebrates the central mystery of salvation, which is the
death and resurrection of Christ".
The joy of love
is intimately linked to love. They are inseparable gifts of the Holy
Spirit. Love gives rise to joy, and joy is a form of love. ... To
love means to be steadfast, reliable and faithful to commitments. ...
If we are to experience the joy of love, we must also be generous. We
cannot be content to give the minimum. We need to be fully committed
in life and to pay particular attention to those in need. The world
needs men and women who are competent and generous, willing to be at
the service of the common good. ... Find ways to help make society
more just and humane wherever you happen to be. ... I would like to
mention one particular joy. It is the joy we feel when we respond to
the vocation to give our whole life to the Lord. ... Do not be afraid
if Christ is calling you to the religious, monastic or missionary
life or to the priesthood. Be assured that He fills with joy all
those who respond to His invitation. ... In the same way, God gives
great joy to men and women who give themselves totally to one another
in marriage in order to build a family. ... A third element that will
lead you to the joy of love ... is allowing fraternal love to grow in
your lives and in those of your communities".
The joy of conversion
real joy also means recognising the temptations that lead us away
from it. Our present-day culture often pressures us to seek immediate
goals, achievements and pleasures. It fosters fickleness more than
perseverance, hard work and fidelity to commitments. ... Experience
teaches us that possessions do not ensure happiness".
wants us to be happy. That is why He gave us specific directions for
the journey of life: the Commandments. If we observe them, we will
find the path to life and happiness. At first glance, they might seem
to be a list of prohibitions and an obstacle to our freedom. But if
we study them more closely, we see in the light of Christ’s message
that the Commandments are a set of essential and valuable rules
leading to a happy life in accordance with God’s plan. ... At times
the path of the Christian life is not easy, and being faithful to the
Lord’s love presents obstacles; occasionally we fall. Yet God in
His mercy never abandons us; He always offers us the possibility of
returning to him. ... Have frequent recourse to the Sacrament of
Penance and Reconciliation! It is the Sacrament of joy rediscovered".
Joy at times of trial
the end, though, we might still wonder in our hearts whether it is
really possible to live joyfully amid all life’s trials, especially
those which are most tragic and mysterious. ... We can find an answer
in some of the experiences of young people like yourselves who have
found in Christ the light that can give strength and hope even in
difficult situations.
Pier Giorgio Frassati experienced many trials during his short life.
... When Blessed John Paul II presented Blessed Pier Giorgio as a
model for young people, he described him as “a young person with
infectious joy, the joy that overcame many difficulties in his life”.
Closer to us in time is Chiara Badano, who was recently beatified.
She experienced how pain could be transfigured by love and
mysteriously steeped in joy. ... Authentic Christians are never
despairing or sad, not even when faced with difficult trials. They
show that Christian joy is not a flight from reality, but a
supernatural power that helps us to deal with the challenges of daily
Witnesses of joy
conclude I would encourage you to be missionaries of joy. We cannot
be happy if others are not. ... Go and tell other young people about
your joy at finding the precious treasure which is Jesus Himself. We
cannot keep the joy of faith to ourselves. If we are to keep it, we
must give it away".
is sometimes depicted as a way of life that stifles our freedom and
goes against our desires for happiness and joy. But this is far from
the truth. Christians are men and women who are truly happy because
they know that they are not alone. They know that God is always
holding them in His hands. It is up to you, young followers of
Christ, to show the world that faith brings happiness and a joy which
is true, full and enduring. If the way Christians live at times
appears dull and boring, you should be the first to show the joyful
and happy side of faith. The Gospel is the “good news” that God
loves us and that each of us is important to Him. Show the world that
this is true!"
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